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Welcome to our blog. We will keep posting current pictures, videos, and stories of our girl, Emma. Please feel free to post comments; we love to hear what you think. We hope you enjoy the site as much as we do. If you missed any of our previous posts, you can find them through the links on the lower right section of the page. Just click through the titles you would like to see. Thank you!
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Tuesday, January 15

Doctor Visit 1-15-08

Well, I wanted to make sure Emma was OK when we got there, so I gave her a quick check-up. Everything came out great. As you can see, Emma was stretching out to show how tall she
had gotten.

Here is Emma and Mommy. Emma is looking at Mommy wondering what is about to happen. Mommy looks beautiful holding her growing bundle of joy.

So, Emma had her 6 week check-up today, and the Doctor said she was progressing wonderfully. Emma weighed 9 lbs 10 ounces, she was 21.5" long, and she was in the 50th percentile in all of the growth categories. After the doctor looked her over, it was SHOT TIME!!! Emma received her Rotavirus, Pneumococcal Conjugate, Polio, Hib B, and DTP Vaccines. She was not a happy camper. I felt too bad to take a picture, so you will have to imagine it. The Doctor told us that we should start to see Emma display a variety of emotions, and she should start to respond to us with smiles, gurgles, and coos. We are so excited to see Emma develop. It will be fun to look back from our next appointment to see how much she has changed.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm glad everything went well on with your Dr. visit. I'm so sorry you had to get all those shots:( Grandma hopes you are feeling much better now:) You looked beautiful (as always)for the Dr.
I love you and miss you very much!